Hannah Montana is one of the hottest things around, particularly in terms of gifts for young girls this Christmas. They make a great gift for a daughter, sister, niece etc. that are aged four to teen.
The Hannah Montana doll range has actually overtaken Barbie as the most sought after Christmas gift. And, of course, people are doing some strange and wonderful things to try and get Hannah Montana concert tickets (Best of Both Worlds).
Here are a selection of Hannah Montana gift suggestions.
Concert Tickets - This is the hottest concert in the US now, with people doing stunts, and paying silly money to get tickets. You will definitely be the hero if you get these! You can get still get tickets, but be prepared to pay!
Dolls - Hannah Montana dolls are very popular this Christmas, and some can be very difficult to get hold of. One of the most popular is the Hannah Montana "Best of Both Worlds" Singing Doll.
DVDs and CDs - These will obviously be a hit (if they don't already have them!). There are only a few DVDs and CDs.
Video Games - There seem to be more of these than DVDs! There are a number that can be played on multiple platforms. If you don't have a video game console, or can't find a game for the one you have, you can always try the TV game that plugs straight in (about $20).
Wigs - Hannah Montana wears a wig when she performs so no one can recognize her (a bit like Clark Kent's glasses). There are many wigs available varying hugely in price.
There are also T-shirts and other clothing items as well as lots and lots of toys!
You are bound to be a big hit with your young daughter if you can get the right Hannah Montana gift!
Tony Connor has agonized over what to get people for their birthdays, Christmas etc. for many, many years. In order to build upon this foundation of angst he set up http://www.brightgiftideas.com, a resource for people who need inspiration when it comes to gift giving. For more Hannah Montana gift suggestions go to http://www.squidoo.com/hannah-montana-gifts
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