The teen sensation Hannah Montana has taken America by storm. When a popular figure arrives on the scene, it is natural to want to emulate them. What better time to do that than Halloween? If you scour the internet for Hannah Montana costumes, you are sure to find your fill. If you want to make your own, then you are going to have to start with a platinum blonde wig WITH BANGS, of course! No Hannah Montana costume would be complete without it. You may also consider playing up the duality of her Disney character by getting a long brunette wig to wear on the back of your head. Then glue a picture of Miley Cyrus to the back to complete the costume experience.
Hannah Montana, or Miley Cyrus, has met no small amount of controversy this past year. You may also want to put a twist on your Hannah Montana costume by making it emphasize one of her more controversial moments, such as the exposed green bra on her MySpace page or totally naked Hannah Montana dressed in a lone bed sheet. Perhaps you might want to indicate NOT wearing a seatbelt or not having enough tickets in your Montana costume.
Another idea for a Hannah costume is a half and half costume. Put a blond wig on the left side of your head and a brunette wig on the right side. Do your make up only slightly different on each side, and arrange slightly different left right clothing styles. This can be accomplished by pinning half of a skirt on one side and maybe half of a vest on the other side or wearing long white tube socks on one side and long black thigh high socks on the other. Then you can make fun of the fact that no one seems to recognize the one from the other with that simple wardrobe change.
If you are not sure of what types of clothes to wear for your Hannah Montana costume, then Google search Hannah Montana images and look at some of her more exaggerated wardrobes. She uses some crazy accessories like scarves, vests, boots, socks, mini-skirts, sequined shirts and jackets, half shirts and jackets, belts, glasses, necklaces, etc. If you are worried about coming up with something that matches or coordinates well, DON'T! Hannah Montana doesn't. Google has about two and a half million image results to prove this.
If you are still having issues figuring it out, you can Google search "Hannah Montana Costumes" to find over NINETY THOUSAND IMAGES!!!! These ideas are typically going to help with children's Hannah Montana costumes, but, if you are interested in adult-style costumes, the ideas will apply as well.
Whatever you choose to do, have a great time. Even if you are making fun of Miley Cyrus with your Hannah Montana costume, remember that, regardless of what you or the tabloids think about her, she is a massive multi-millionaire who is having her feelings hurt all the way to the bank!
John D. Blake
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